Personalized advice for Portfolio
Size of 100K and above
FINRA/SEC Registered Advisors
With so many financial products and solutions available in the market, it is a daunting task to choose the best one for you. We have over 20 years of experience in finding the best financial planner as per your requirements in the field of retirement planning. Our vetted certified retirement financial planners can help you plan for your dream retirement.
All our retirement planners go through rigorous industry experience, disclosures, and registration checks. Our qualified retirement planners are specialized in investment management, insurance advisory, 401k rollovers, and estate planning. Their work experience ranges from being part of small independent firms to Fortune 500 companies.
Troy has 7 vetted Retirement Planners and Advisors on the online list below for you to choose from and 19 non-vetted advisors in your local area. These retirement advisors in Troy, Michigan have an average of 12 years of experience.
Firm CRD# 104510
Minimum Assets Required
Not Specified
Not Specified
Fee-Only, Based on Assets
Robert Lamm
CRD# 6160636
Firm CRD# 8733
Series 7, 65
Minimum Assets Required
Not Specified
Financial Planning, Portfolio Management, Retirement Planning, 401K Rollovers, Wealth Management, Money Management, Risk Management, Education Funding and Planning, Financial Advice & Consulting, Financial Planning for Individuals, Investment Advice & Management, Insurance Products & Annuities
Fee-Based, Hourly, Commissions, Flat Fee, Based on Assets
Joseph Dallo
Dallo Financial
CRD# 6920688
Firm CRD# 6413
Series 7, 66
Minimum Assets Required
Financial Planning, Portfolio Management, Retirement Planning, Wealth Management, Money Management, Risk Management, Financial Advice & Consulting, Financial Planning for Individuals, Financial Planning for Businesses, Investment Advice & Management, Estate Planning & Trusts, Insurance Products & Annuities
Fee-Based, Based on Assets
Firm CRD# 104510
Minimum Assets Required
Not Specified
Not Specified
Fee-Only, Based on Assets
Firm CRD# 104510
Minimum Assets Required
Not Specified
Not Specified
Fee-Only, Based on Assets
Todd Perry
EP Wealth Advisors
CRD# 5795799
Firm CRD# 111147
Minimum Assets Required
Financial Planning, Portfolio Management, Retirement Planning, 401K Rollovers, Wealth Management, Education Funding and Planning, Financial Advice & Consulting, Financial Planning for Individuals, Investment Advice & Management, Tax Advice and Services
Fee-Only, Based on Assets
Firm CRD# 104510
Minimum Assets Required
Not Specified
Not Specified
Fee-Only, Based on Assets
Rank | Firm Name | Assets Under Management | Total Clients | Total Advisors | Fee Structure |
1 | 165 Kirts Blvd., Ste 100 Troy, MI, 48084 | $1,002,563,047 | 5694 | 8 | A Percentage of AUM, Fixed Fees, Other (INSURANCE COMMISSIONS) |
2 | 901 Wilshire Drive, Suite 555 Troy, MI, 48084-4108 | $781,898,399 | 446 | 9 | A Percentage of AUM |
3 | 1301 W. Long Lake Rd., Suite 115, Troy, MI, 48098 | $649,371,000 | 846 | 14 | A Percentage of AUM, Hourly charges |
4 | 2150 Butterfield Drive, Suite 220 Troy, MI, 48084 | $641,139,569 | 2283 | 21 | A Percentage of AUM, Hourly charges, Fixed Fees |
5 | 3150 Livernois Road, Suite 250 Troy, MI, 48083 | $498,764,977 | 541 | 6 | A Percentage of AUM, Hourly charges, Fixed Fees |
6 | 101 West Big Beaver Road, Suite 1400 Troy, MI, 48084 | $443,165,244 | 266 | 1 | Hourly charges, Fixed Fees |
7 | 2565 West Maple Rd, Troy, MI, 48084 | $439,981,505 | 2376 | 41 | A Percentage of AUM, Fixed Fees, Other (SOLICITOR FOR 3RD PARTY MONEY MANAGERS) |
8 | 1301 W. Long Lake Road, Suite 210 Troy, MI, 48098 | $309,390,268 | 1055 | 13 | A Percentage of AUM, Hourly charges, Fixed Fees |
9 | 50 W Big Beaver Rd Suite 225, Troy, MI, 48084 | $260,127,993 | 228 | 2 | A Percentage of AUM, Hourly charges, Fixed Fees |
10 | 50 W Big Beaver Rd Suite 500, Troy, MI, 48084 | $214,395,285 | 1455 | 22 | A Percentage of AUM, Hourly charges, Fixed Fees, Other (SELECTION OF OTHER ADVISOR FEES) |
11 | 1441 W. Long Lake, Suite 100 Troy, MI, 48098 | $190,997,206 | 173 | 4 | A Percentage of AUM, Hourly charges, Fixed Fees |
12 | 200 E. Big Beaver Rd, Troy, MI, 48083 | $187,919,069 | 233 | 1 | Fixed Fees |
13 | 1301 W Long Lake Rd, Suite 260 Troy, MI, 48098 | $161,401,813 | 1134 | 3 | A Percentage of AUM, Hourly charges, Other (SUBADVISER FEES) |
14 | 6915 Rochester Rd., Ste 200, Troy, MI, 48085 | $156,882,480 | 962 | 6 | A Percentage of AUM, Hourly charges, Fixed Fees, Other (REFERRAL FEES FROM THIRD-PARTY MANAGERS) |
15 | 1700 West Big Beaver, Suite 320 Troy, MI, 48084 | $131,266,076 | 107 | 2 | A Percentage of AUM, Hourly charges, Fixed Fees |
QualificationsFirm CRD# 127401
Assets Under Management $1,002,563,047
No. Of Clients5694
Clients Per Financial Advisor712
STRAIGHTLINE is a financial advisory firm situated in Troy, Michigan. With a nearly $1B assets under management, the firm specializes in crafting personalized retirement planning solutions for 5694 clients. The team consists of 8 skilled financial advisors, committed to delivering comprehensive retirement planning services tailored to your needs.
QualificationsFirm CRD# 105609
Assets Under Management $781,898,399
No. Of Clients446
Clients Per Financial Advisor50
JAY A. FISHMAN, LTD is a financial advisory firm situated in Troy, Michigan. With a nearly $782M assets under management, the firm specializes in crafting personalized retirement planning solutions for 446 clients. The team consists of 9 skilled financial advisors, committed to delivering comprehensive retirement planning services tailored to your needs.
QualificationsFirm CRD# 107377
Assets Under Management $649,371,000
No. Of Clients846
Clients Per Financial Advisor60
WILLIAM MACK & ASSOCIATES INC is a financial advisory firm situated in Troy, Michigan. With a nearly $649M assets under management, the firm specializes in crafting personalized retirement planning solutions for 846 clients. The team consists of 14 skilled financial advisors, committed to delivering comprehensive retirement planning services tailored to your needs.
QualificationsFirm CRD# 284560
Assets Under Management $641,139,569
No. Of Clients2283
Clients Per Financial Advisor109
ISTO ADVISORS, LLC is a financial advisory firm situated in Troy, Michigan. With a nearly $641M assets under management, the firm specializes in crafting personalized retirement planning solutions for 2283 clients. The team consists of 21 skilled financial advisors, committed to delivering comprehensive retirement planning services tailored to your needs.
QualificationsFirm CRD# 153117
Assets Under Management $498,764,977
No. Of Clients541
Clients Per Financial Advisor90
BARON WEALTH MANAGEMENT, LLC is a financial advisory firm situated in Troy, Michigan. With a nearly $499M assets under management, the firm specializes in crafting personalized retirement planning solutions for 541 clients. The team consists of 6 skilled financial advisors, committed to delivering comprehensive retirement planning services tailored to your needs.
QualificationsFirm CRD# 169570
Assets Under Management $443,165,244
No. Of Clients266
Clients Per Financial Advisor266
ARBOR WEALTH ADVISORS LLC is a financial advisory firm situated in Troy, Michigan. With a nearly $443M assets under management, the firm specializes in crafting personalized retirement planning solutions for 266 clients. The team consists of 1 skilled financial advisors, committed to delivering comprehensive retirement planning services tailored to your needs.
QualificationsFirm CRD# 144046
Assets Under Management $439,981,505
No. Of Clients2376
Clients Per Financial Advisor58
SECURE ASSET MANAGEMENT, L.L.C. is a financial advisory firm situated in Troy, Michigan. With a nearly $440M assets under management, the firm specializes in crafting personalized retirement planning solutions for 2376 clients. The team consists of 41 skilled financial advisors, committed to delivering comprehensive retirement planning services tailored to your needs.
QualificationsFirm CRD# 144994
Assets Under Management $309,390,268
No. Of Clients1055
Clients Per Financial Advisor81
MKD WEALTH COACHES, LLC is a financial advisory firm situated in Troy, Michigan. With a nearly $309M assets under management, the firm specializes in crafting personalized retirement planning solutions for 1055 clients. The team consists of 13 skilled financial advisors, committed to delivering comprehensive retirement planning services tailored to your needs.
QualificationsFirm CRD# 112256
Assets Under Management $260,127,993
No. Of Clients228
Clients Per Financial Advisor114
SS&H FINANCIAL ADVISORS, INC. is a financial advisory firm situated in Troy, Michigan. With a nearly $260M assets under management, the firm specializes in crafting personalized retirement planning solutions for 228 clients. The team consists of 2 skilled financial advisors, committed to delivering comprehensive retirement planning services tailored to your needs.
QualificationsFirm CRD# 286251
Assets Under Management $214,395,285
No. Of Clients1455
Clients Per Financial Advisor66
FINANCIAL SERVICES OF AMERICA ADVISORS is a financial advisory firm situated in Troy, Michigan. With a nearly $214M assets under management, the firm specializes in crafting personalized retirement planning solutions for 1455 clients. The team consists of 22 skilled financial advisors, committed to delivering comprehensive retirement planning services tailored to your needs.
QualificationsFirm CRD# 124489
Assets Under Management $190,997,206
No. Of Clients173
Clients Per Financial Advisor43
MILLER CAPITAL is a financial advisory firm situated in Troy, Michigan. With a nearly $191M assets under management, the firm specializes in crafting personalized retirement planning solutions for 173 clients. The team consists of 4 skilled financial advisors, committed to delivering comprehensive retirement planning services tailored to your needs.
QualificationsFirm CRD# 289483
Assets Under Management $187,919,069
No. Of Clients233
Clients Per Financial Advisor233
FIRSTMETRIC is a financial advisory firm situated in Troy, Michigan. With a nearly $188M assets under management, the firm specializes in crafting personalized retirement planning solutions for 233 clients. The team consists of 1 skilled financial advisors, committed to delivering comprehensive retirement planning services tailored to your needs.
QualificationsFirm CRD# 152964
Assets Under Management $161,401,813
No. Of Clients1134
Clients Per Financial Advisor378
J2 CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, INC. is a financial advisory firm situated in Troy, Michigan. With a nearly $161M assets under management, the firm specializes in crafting personalized retirement planning solutions for 1134 clients. The team consists of 3 skilled financial advisors, committed to delivering comprehensive retirement planning services tailored to your needs.
QualificationsFirm CRD# 127453
Assets Under Management $156,882,480
No. Of Clients962
Clients Per Financial Advisor160
SPECTRUM FINANCIAL RESOURCES is a financial advisory firm situated in Troy, Michigan. With a nearly $157M assets under management, the firm specializes in crafting personalized retirement planning solutions for 962 clients. The team consists of 6 skilled financial advisors, committed to delivering comprehensive retirement planning services tailored to your needs.
QualificationsFirm CRD# 125936
Assets Under Management $131,266,076
No. Of Clients107
Clients Per Financial Advisor54
CONFIDENTIAL MANAGEMENT ADVISORS, INC. is a financial advisory firm situated in Troy, Michigan. With a nearly $131M assets under management, the firm specializes in crafting personalized retirement planning solutions for 107 clients. The team consists of 2 skilled financial advisors, committed to delivering comprehensive retirement planning services tailored to your needs.
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