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About Us is a helpful online resource for consumers who are trying to be diligent in attending to the details of their long term financial planning. Retirement is a dream for many of us, until we think about the financial cost. Planning for retirement is a challenge. Given the ever increasing cost of living most of us experience, coupled by sometimes flat wages and the task of raising a family and owning a home, it can be hard to set aside funds for that day when we'll no longer be working. Yet those funds are absolutely needed if we are to ever get to our goals.

This site exists to provide useful information to consumers on the topic of retirement planning. This is a huge area of personal finance, maybe the most frustrating area of all for many investors. Yet it might also be the most important. You can borrow money to buy a car or a home or to send the kids to college, but living on borrowed funds really isn't a feasible option when we retire. To get to where you need to be financially, you need good planning ahead of time. The sooner we get going on our retirement planning, the better off we will be. exists to provide consumers with informative articles on various topics under the broad category of retirement planning, and also gives users the opportunity to get in touch with top rated retirement planners in their home locality. The work of a professional retirement planner is done with the goal of helping consumers live the life they want when their working careers are through. Use this site to learn more about these professionals and the work they do, and to get in touch with expert financial planners in your home area. Contact us if you have any questions about our site.