Ranked "TOP ADVISOR 2024" by Forbes, Newsweek, USA Today, and Rated 5 Stars on Google Reviews. For 20+ years, we have provided expert Financial Planning, Portfolio Management, Tax, and Estate Planning services. Dash is a fee-only Independent Fiduciary Investment firm. Client portfolios are personally overseen by our Executive Investment Committee, a team with over 50 years of combined experience. Heading the committee is Founder & Chief Investment Officer Jonathan Dash. Mr. Dash graduated from the University of Southern California in Finance and has also completed numerous Executive Programs at both Harvard Business School and Columbia Business School covering Corporate Restructuring, Financial Analysis, and Valuation. Our Philosophy is that each client deserves individual attention and proactive service. We want to be a partner in your success.
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Read articles by Jonathan Dash
See Disclosures
Firm Start Year
No. of Employees
automated call
Firm CRD#
States Licensed in
All 52 States
Years of Experience in Financial Services
Number of Years with Current Firm
Work with the following types of clients
Businesses, Non-Profit Organizations, High-net-worth families, Individual Investors
Advisory Services Provided
Financial Advice & Consulting, Estate Planning & Trusts, Financial Planning, Portfolio Management, Retirement Planning, 401K Rollovers, Wealth Management, Money Management, Risk Management, Financial Planning for Individuals, Education Funding and Planning
Investment Types
Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), Stocks, Bonds, Alternative Investments, Mutual Funds
Can meet clients in the following ways
Email, Your Office, Phone, Video Conference, Our Offices, Your Home, Our Office
Registered Investment Advisor
Registered Representative
Investment Advisor Representative
Acknowledged fiduciary
Compliance Disclosures in Last 5 years
I have a clean record
Criminal Disclosures in Last 5 years
I have a clean record
Certifications, Accreditations & Designations
Securities Licenses
Series 65, Series 63
Firm's Number of Clients
Firm's Number of Planning Clients
Firm's Number of Managed Clients
Assets Managed by Firm
Fee Structure
Compensation Methods
Based on Assets
Finance -
University Of Southern California
08/01/1997 -06/10/2001
Corporate Restructuring -
Harvard Business School
01/01/2006 -12/31/2006
Financial Analysis and Valuation -
Columbia Business School
01/01/2020 -12/31/2020
RetirementPlanning.net provides referrals to financial professionals. RetirementPlanning.net is not a current client of advisor or advisory services. Financial professionals pay cash compensation for these referrals, which creates the incentive for RetirementPlanning.net to make these referrals, resulting in a conflict of interest.
Solicitor's Written Disclosure Document: https://dashinvest.box.com/v/WrittenDisclosureStatement Disclosure Brochure (Form ADV, Part 2): https://dashinvest.box.com/v/FormADVBrochure. If you would like to receive a copy of the Disclosure Brochure by mail, you can request one by calling Dash at 1-800-549-3227.
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